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it's time 

i feel endless waves of transformation

i searched for a full heart and i  found it at Pergolina

she has been my child and inspiration to color outside of the lines

the time has come to bid her adieu and close

but you know me it will take awhile

dearest pergolians you have given me so much of yourselves the friendship and  pure joy you  have been a gift 


 ON FEBRUARY 8TH WE WILL CELEBRATE a. party pergolina style 1:00

mariachi  3-4pm   let's raise a glass  to Pergolina ......

and fly free leaving behind what is comfortable paying attention to the details of a life that tickled me everyday i loved putting the key in the door and i love you 

all for you my lovelies xoxo p



Nan and Richard 8 days ago

I haven’t stopped crying. Paulana. Thank you for everything you created and shared with us all these years. It’s really hard to put into words while crying. 30 plus years of memories with your presence in Toluca Lake and the beauty you shared. Thank you for all you gave to the community, and also what your parents shared. I love every bit of it. Happy retirement, well deserved. See you Saturday to give you our best regards in person. Love, Nan and Richard


Like everyone else, I gasped and my heart sank. At this news. You and Pergolina have been my sanctuary for so many years, and I know this decision could not have been easy for you. Count on me to celebrate with you and maybe we will take that dream trip to Italy after all…


I am truly saddened to hear that you’ve chosen to close your absolutely wonderful store. I remember the first time I walked in the door: I felt I had come home—home to place of wonder and creativity and solace. Everywhere my gaze rested was a little bit of beauty and whimsy, or humor—a tweak on the nose. Your lovely Madonna statue. The amazing bird cage and your lovely birds. The Italian masks (thank goodness I bought one, and didn’t just admire from afar). All of it drawing one in, and sending the message to dream bigger and as you said, ‘color outside the lines’. I moved from Los Angeles in 2019, but still I shopped online during the Pandemic. I just couldn’t let go. And I kept sending people to you—’you’ll not be disappointed!’ I always said. You will be missed. The world (and certainly Riverside Drive) will be quite a bit more ordinary without you. Ciao Bella.


This has been my favorite place to shop for gifts, for me, for years- there are always treasures to find and conversations to be had with you and other lovely customers. You will be greatly missed but good memories will continue in all the trinkets I and others have purchased over the years. Thank you, well done!

Marlan Clarke

The treasures Ive discovered and worn , given as gifts , adorned my Christmas trees have have brought joy and comfort, solace and mirth. Pergolina has been a linchpin of the Village. The store itself is a work of art. Open or not if go to Trader Joe’s I drop in or press my nose to the windows just to get inspired by what the interior Magic. Pergolina has been one of a kind.
I guess I have to make more visits in the coming weeks . I can do that .


Paulana, reading this made my heart sink. Your store has been a staple in my life for as long as I can remember. I will miss going to my happy place. Thank you for bringing joy to my life. Wishing you happiness and love.